There and Snack Again: How to eat everything in Lord of the Rings
In February 2018, my wife & I decided to embark on a gruelling quest: to watch all three Lord of the Rings films (extended editions, of...

Short fiction: Charismatic Megafauna
Here's a story about an aquarium starship that has seen better days, and the trouble that befalls it when its crew make some extremely...

A halloween story: The Yeti
Here is a very, very silly story I originally wrote on twitter, for Halloween 2013. It's a story of monstrosity and redemption, set in...

Flash fiction: Chimps, eggs & lightspeed
This story was the result of a stupid hypothetical question I asked on twitter, about how many chimps turning hand cranks it would take...

Guest post: cancelling the apocalypse
It often gets me down that it's seen as stupid to expect anything other than looming apocalypse: while the world can look grim, a life...

Let's do Business: the Big Mike Blog #1
Today I’d like to reach out to you regarding an exciting new opportunity. I’d like to talk to you about Business. While a lot of you...

Guest post: Being a half-arsed God
In my first guest post, David Thomas Moore, commissioning editor at Abaddon Books (and therefore my editor, the poor bastard), talks...

Aquariums, Horror, and Blind Cave Salamanders
My first post is going to be an act of gruesome self-plagiarism, as I'm basically just repackaging a link to a blog I wrote for Tor.com...